[aaloa promoters] [Vote] Call for Vote on a project proposal: ZigBee 4 OSGI

Stefano Lenzi stefano.lenzi at isti.cnr.it
Mon Dec 20 21:31:01 CET 2010

Dear Antonio,

my comments follwos..

On 20/12/2010 16.50, Antonio kung wrote:
> Francesco,
> As member of the board, I vote yes.
> As technical coordinator of MonAMI, partners of MonAMI (mostly Trialog +
> U.Zaragoza) would like to propose the following contributions:
>     * providing guidelines to support additional Zigbee development
>       kits. The goal would be that /Zigbee 4 OSGi/ supports as many
>       development kits as possible with as little cost as possible,
>       including the ones used in MonAMI

You are very welcome! As you may have noticed in the project proposal we 
are looking for contributor in the area that you proposed, we have 
already defined and API which aims at to be portable to many develpoment 
kit, but due to lack of expierence with other develpoment we definitly 
need the contribution from the community

>     * working towards an OSGi API that is as Zigbee independent as
>       possible (e.g. /WirelessSensor 4 OSGi/) or if not possible as
>       Zigbee implementation independent as possible
> Cheers
> Antonio Kung

Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

Stefano Lenzi                       Voice:  +39 050 315 2887
ISTI - Area della ricerca CNR       Fax:    +39 050 315 2040
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 Pisa      Mobile: +39 328 489 3270
(entrance 20, 1st floor, room C66)  Email:  stefano.lenzi at isti.cnr.it

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